Credit Cards

The 3 Best Credit Cards After Bankruptcy, and What to Know Before Applying

One of the many side effects of bankruptcy is the impact it makes on your ability to qualify for a credit card. Getting a credit card after bankruptcy isn’t impossible, but it may be difficult due to the long-term damage bankruptcy does to your credit score. This can be frustrating for bankruptcy filers, since responsibly

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Average Number of Credit Cards Per Person: 2019 Card Ownership Statistics

The average American carries 2.35 credit cards and a total outstanding balance of $5,551. This average can vary depending on what part of the country a person lives, how old they are, and a few other factors. Credit card ownership also differs among income brackets, genders, and ethnicities. Below we look into specific segments of

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Average Credit Card Debt in America: 2021

Our researchers found the median debt per American family to be $2,700, while the average debt stands at $6,270. The average balance for consumers is $5,315, although some of that debt may be held on joint cards and thus double-counted. Overall, Americans owe $807 billion across almost 506 million card accounts. Below, you’ll find some of the most prominent trends that emerged.

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